Thursday, May 26, 2011


If you have been trying to learn bass chords, it can be very frustrating. Here are a few tips that will definitely help you and make the process much easier for you:

• Most lead guitar players think that switching over to the bass guitar will be an easy transition for them “wrong”. For a lot of lead guitar players, this is definitely not the case at all. The bass guitar is very different that the lead and has far more space between the strings and produces a much deeper sound than the lead. If you are switching over from the lead guitar to the bass guitar you must remember as with most things that practicing is the only way that playing will become much easier for you.

• If you find that you are having a lot of trouble playing chords on the bass guitar, try to practice with chords that have notes that are much closer together. So for an example, playing C or D Minor 7 can be way easier than trying to play Db major 7. Simply put the best way to build confidence is to try to find the chords that are easiest for you to learn.

• Quite often, bass guitar players seem to find it much easier to play chords lower on the neck than it is to play chords higher up on the neck. If when practicing you discover that you to are also having difficulty playing certain chords, start to try lower chords such as D or E to see if you find it easier. You probably will.

• Very important, never I mean never, underestimate the value of watching someone else play the base guitar. Simply do a search on Youtube and you will find numerous videos that show bass guitar players jamming. So basically if you are struggling are having trouble, watch a few of these videos and pay attention to what those players are doing that you are not. You will definitely find great value in this.

• Once your confidence builds and you feel up to it, playing a few tabs can be a great tool to help you quickly improve your confidence and your skills. It is always best to find a song that you are already very familiar with so that you do not find yourself having to waste time trying to get used to the song's tune. Which believe it or not some people do make this mistake


If you have been trying to learn to play the bass guitar, you've probably already thought about playing a few chords. Often guitar players feel intimidated by bass guitar chords because they think they are so different from typical guitar chords, which is true but practiced will make it easier. So again, there is no reason stress out to worry. With practice, practice and more practice every part of learning the bass guitar can be made very easy. Don’t be a quitter, don’t throw the towel in, keep practicing and you will definitely get to the playing level you are aiming for!


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